Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Working long shifts on Saturday had became a routine for me some months ago…On one such Saturday when I came back home from work and was fully tired and exhausted my parents told me that we are going to watch a Marathi Drama (Natak) called “Marathi Bana” in Aacharya Atre Sabha Gruha, kalayan. With much reluctance I went with my parents to watch the Natak. On my way to the place my mom told me that this Natak portrays the Marathi culture and is written, produced and directed by Ashok Hande who’s the Veteran of Marathi Theater.
When the play started I was like lost completely & could not get hold of what was going on. The Natak started with a Marathi song “Utti Utti Re Gopala”. I have heard this song only once before this evening but the impact that song made on me this time was just great. Marathi Bana consist of 125 members and has a live orchestra along with 40-50 dancers in it. These performers are the one who put life to all the songs through their extra enthusiastic dancing skills and expressions. Even the “Lavni” performed in this play is amazing as dancer has kept its aesthetic value and not made it look vulgar. This Natak gives a 360 degree view of Rich Marathi Culture. And this play does not just concentrate on Marathi culture but through small Skits (Bharud) they also put light on current scenario in social or political circuit.
The 3 hours show cover all the festivals of Maharashtrians, the marriage rituals,“Mangla Gaur” programme and games played at that time and also Bharud. This is the best Marathi Natak I would have seen till now as it tells us so many small things about our culture in such a nice manner. Earlier I had thought that it would be very boring to watch a Marathi play for 3 hours but to my surprise time was flying in these three hours. And I came out of the Sabha Gruha with a smile on my face and loads of excitement.
After watching this play I came to know that I was unaware of so many nice things in my culture and now I am really proud of my Rich Marathi Culture and Heritage. I would like to take this opportunity and thank Ashok Hande and his entire team for making such a nice play and taking Marathi Manoos and his culture to new heights. I would ideally tell today’s youth to watch this play in order to get in sync with our culture and be proud be one of them. And hence such nice plays on culture should be encouraged so that in near future there can plays on Culture of other Religious and hence we can tell each other the good things in all cultures….So kudos to the entire team of Marathi Bana….

1 comment:

  1. Gud thoughts. It shows that Marathi youth is also like to c this kind of drama.
